Office Cleaning In A Post-COVID World

As life slowly gets used to the ‘new normal’ as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, workplaces are required to make a number of changes to ensure that they’re safe for people to operate in. A significant area which requires change is office cleaning – deep cleaning will prepare the building for work again, whilst regular, periodic cleaning will ensure that cleanliness is kept at its optimum.

If you’re an employer, then as part of your duty to protect your employees from harm, you should take reasonable steps to protect workers and others from infection. As a vastly-experienced cleaning service here at The Cleaning Academy, we’ve compiled the steps you need to take to ensure that your office is kept sanitised.

Measures To Take With Office Cleaning, Post-COVID

Coronavirus can transfer from people to surfaces – it can be passed on to different people who may touch the same surfaces. By keeping your workplace clean, you will be vastly reducing the potential for the infection to spread.

As part of HSE’s guidance for workplaces, you may need to increase how often and how thoroughly you usually clean, as well as cleaning surfaces that you wouldn’t usually clean.

The first step to take will be to undertake a risk assessment to help manage potential hazards and decide how to work safely and protect people during this ongoing pandemic. As a result of this, you will be able to identify what your office cleaning regime will look like.

Frequently-touched surfaces include anything that will come into contact with people – this includes:

  • Work surfaces, such as desks, workstations and platforms.
  • Handles on doors, windows, rails, dispensers and water coolers.
  • Common areas like toilets, reception areas, corridors, lifts, changing rooms.
  • Computer keyboards, printers, monitors, phones and touch screens.
  • Taps, kettles, water heaters, fridges, microwaves and cupboards.
  • Any post or items that are shipped in and out.

Measures should be put in place to clean these surfaces after each use where possible (for example, phones and conferences facilities in a meeting room). If it isn’t practical to clean after each use (lift buttons that are used continuously throughout the day, for example), then you should ensure they are subjected to periodic cleaning throughout the day.

There are two different components in undertaking adequate cleaning regimes, which include:

  • Periodic cleaning – Periodic cleaning of offices is sanitisation that is performed at different times throughout the day. It can be defined as ‘cleaning items immediately after their use’, as well as ‘cleaning surfaces regularly throughout the day’.
  • Deep cleaning – Deep office cleaning is a thorough sanitisation of all frequently-touched surfaces at least once a day. Deep cleaning disinfects in, around and inside of objects to prevent infections from lying dormant; periodic cleaning helps to ‘top up’ deep cleaning, ensuring that the same quality of cleanliness is kept up.

And this is where we at The Cleaning Academy can help.

TCA: Deep Cleaning Services For Office Environments

We understand any concerns that you may have about the intensity of the cleaning job your facility receives – being a place of work that is in constant use, health concerns are a natural thing to worry about.

This is why we offer a deep office cleaning service that ensures every aspect of your workplace is cleaned with a high-strength anti-bacterial cleaning product.  Our experienced office cleaners can make sure:

  • That your cleaning regimes are updated to the latest government health & safety guidelines for sanitising (including handwashing, social distancing and measures against staff sickness)
  • That increased cleaning and disinfection is carried out on objects and surfaces that are touched regularly.

Our deep cleaning of offices can be arranged at times that suit your particular circumstances. We can carry out additional sanitising cleans during the day or evening, on a daily or weekly basis.  If your business decides to close for a time, we will use the closed period to sanitise your offices, ensuring they are thoroughly ready for your staff to return to.

Get In Touch With Our Expert Office Cleaners Today

When you hire The Cleaning Academy, we'll take care of all your cleaning needs so you can focus on other tasks. Our service covers multiple areas throughout the south of England; East Anglia, Essex, the Home Counties, London and the Coast.

If you would like to learn more about our office cleaning service (or if you would like to make an enquiry), you can speak to a member of our team by calling 0800 707 6722. You can also send an email to us at Alternatively, you can speak to us by filling out the enquiry form on our contact page or by reaching out to a member of staff on social media.

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