Office Cleaning, Things To Remember

It’s of the upmost importance that your workplace is kept in a clean and hygienic condition; specialist cleaning businesses such as The Cleaning Academy can help. With our innovative, eco-friendly, and intelligent cleaning solutions, our team of expert cleaners can provide cost-effective cleaning services that ensure your business remains compliant with health and safety hygiene legislation.

To make an enquiry regarding our office cleaning Milton Keynes services, please click the blue “Quick Enquiry” button on the right hand side of your screen, or call us using the number at the top of this page.

Office Cleaning, Things To Remember

Whilst cleaning surfaces in different environments can share many transferable skills, each environment is different. So if you’re unsure if an office cleaning solution is the right choice for your business, consider the following three things.

A Clean Office Benefits Both Employees & Employers

Office cleaning isn’t just about cleaning up clutter, you also need to ensure that working environments are kept as germ-free as reasonably possible. Typically speaking, office environments are breeding grounds for all sorts of nasty microorganisms, including dangerous bacteria such as e-coli and Staphylococcus, alongside harmful viruses such as the flu virus which can linger on unclean surfaces for up to 24 hours.

Unhygienic workplaces are bad news for both employees and employers; the average employee typically loses nine working days a year due to sickness. This is quite simply wasted opportunity for your business. However, as some illnesses are contagious before symptoms appear an unclean office environment could provide the ‘perfect storm’ for such illnesses to spread. This could prove very harmful to your business as numerous people need to take sick-leave at the same time.

Also, it’s important not to forget your legal obligations. In order to maintain compliance with legislator and regulatory requirements, businesses need to maintain a clean and hygienic working environment. The specifics of the requirements are defined in the Health and Safety Act 1974, however in general they can be described as an employer has a duty to ensure that the health and safety of their employees are protected as far as is reasonable and practical.

However, these aren’t the only benefits of office cleaning for both the business and those working in the office. The simple pleasures of working in a regularly cleaned environment should not be overlooked; imagine how much disruption unclean and dusty working environments are causing for your business. If your unclean office is causing workers to get distracted from their tasks, this can have a serious impact on the productivity of your business, the wellbeing of your employees, and ultimately, your business’ profits.

Does Your Current Cleaning Solution Consider The Envrionment?

Global warming and climate change is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, especially with the recent devastation caused by Storms Ciara and Dennis. As such, it’s of the upmost importance that you consider the environment when choosing an office cleaning solution. After all, the office is where a large number of your employees will be spending a significant portion of their time, so it’s going to require a lot of regular cleaning.

One way that you can help to ‘do your bit’ is to use micro-fibre cleaning cloths. These cleaning consumables attract dirt and dust like iron filings to a magnet, making them superb. With these cloths, you can reduce the amount of harmful detergents and chemicals that are required in the cleaning process. Additionally, they are also a great choice for companies concerned about the presence of dust in the air, which is especially important for offices with asthmatic employees. According to 64% of asthmatics surveyed said dust was a trigger of theirs, but thankfully micro-fibre cleaning cloths attract dirt and dust, unlike feather dusters, which just lift the dust particles back into the air.

Are Your Cleaners Experienced Professionals? Are You Getting Good Value For Money?

If you don’t currently utilise any cleaning service and instead ask your current employees to ‘chip in’ and help to maintain the workspace, consider the following. Every minute your employees spend cleaning their workspace and the office environment is a minute they’re not doing the job you’re paying them to do.

However, we understand that in the world of business, money talks; so it’s essential that you are getting good value for money in all aspects of your working life. This is why we offer our services on a short contract. In fact, it’s just a 30 day rolling contract. We also meet with our clients once a month and our managers will meet with your cleaning team at least twice a month.

Additionally, with regards to our previous comments regarding environmental responsibly and eco-friendliness; green thinking is at the core of our activities. We fully understand our responsibility to the environment. When you choose a cleaning service from The Cleaning Academy, you can rest assured that all of our cleaning products and processes have had their environmental impact closely inspected. For example, we reduce our carbon footprint through choosing local suppliers and eliminating unnecessary journeys, we use concentrated environmentally friendly cleaning products whenever possible, and we purchase recycled and biodegradable consumables and are involved in waste removal/recycling projects.

Office Cleaning Milton Keynes On A Short 30 Day Rolling Contract; Call Now & Make An Enquiry Today

When you hire The Cleaning Academy, we'll take care of all your cleaning needs so you can focus on other tasks. The Cleaning Academy covers the entire South East including London, Kent, Essex, Surrey, Berkshire, and the Home Counties.

If you would like to learn more about our cleaning service or if you would like to make an enquiry, you can speak to a member of our team by calling 0800 707 6722. However, you can also get in touch with our team using the internet. You can send your enquiries to us by email at, alternatively you can speak to us by filling out the enquiry form on our contact page or by reaching out to a member of staff on social media.

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